Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pleasant Suprises : Day 37, 2082mi. Oskaloosa, IA.

Prior to this experience, my understanding of our great country had been largely unknown because I had heard of places such as 'Iowa' from a distance. To roam by bike through Oskaloosa is to absorb the rain, be blown by its wind and slowly transformed by the soul of our country. The tremendous effort invested teaches me that as I strive to be better, everything around me becomes better too. I look forward to many pleasant suprises in Iowa.


queue said...

Hey George! As those winds of Iowa have borne you along, have you had any close calls?!

It's looking pretty nasty out there these days.
Stay safe. Wear your hair helmet!

Unknown said...

Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa! Don't wander into the cornfields my friend...

Paul K-S said...

Actually... crawling into a cornfield is one way to get out of the wind. Just don't go too far... otherwise you'll need to try what the deer do: jump above the stalks to get a look around. Porpoising. Er... but white men can't jump, can they?

George, just got back into town from my overnight bike tour with my daughter. We rode through Idaho Springs and right past the hotel you stayed in. We spent a very windy night high up in the rockies. The tent got given a flapping by the 40 mph winds, which thankfully died down by 5 a.m. We woke up to sunshine streaming down through the trees and the sounds of happy birds.

Tomorrow I will ride up Mt. Evans, the highest paved road on the continent. I'll be trying out a new seat -- with a wide groove down the middle.